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Phoenixbaum (2015) VIDEO
Leaf at the Roots für fastFORWARD
Media: Wood, photos, paper tape, fire - everything
caught on tape and mixed with music.

As the first branches were added to the tree, I had an
idea for a quite literal reduction of the whole. The
image of the burning tree entered my mind.
Saturday night, then, which  was also the night of the
full moon (I love this symbolism!), I built  the tree,
BD took the camera and filmed the burning process.
Now, I had  to edit it really quickly, before the whole
grew on. So I took 3 songs (BD - 3TWIG180101,
AnasthaZia - UpDownUpDown, and Dee Jernigan -
Tree of  Life) from the tree, sampled them and put
atmospheric effects on top,  plus bird and forest

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